The Metaverse just said, “I’m on my way!”

Ashley Rust
10 min readOct 10, 2020

Imagine you are walking to work and you’re thinking about anything. Let’s say for example, getting a dog. All of a sudden a bunch of dogs come running down the street and it’s all your favorite types of dogs you were looking into getting. They all have a collar that says, “adopt me”. You pick one out, immediately it all disappears and you get sent a link to the adoption center that specific dog is at right now. Problem solved. Thats your dog now.

That is the Metaverse. An alternate digital reality where everything from professional, hobbies, social spectrums can be found. It is all right in front of you with full access and capabilities. It does not fully exist yet, but it is coming.

Now to the stuff that actually exists that could make the Metaverse actually happen:

AR Cloud

What’s Important:

The AR Cloud is a need and a want. The AR cloud is shared memory of the real world and will allow users to experience it together. Whether it’s working together on a school project, playing a game or collaborating in the work environment, people will able to do it all. This is where multi user engagement comes into play. Most of the world is already digitally accessible. That requires someone’s need for information to be accessed. People need information fast and typically on the go. The AR cloud will be that place. It will be about 3 more years until it is fully done.

The AR cloud System will include:

A shared copy of the world.

Localizing, means to align that copy with the real world.

Placing virtual content in that world easily and have it be able to interact with the real world.


What device/ devices are able to hold this much data?

Will these said devices be able to produce and quick reaction time making it easy to use?

What is interesting

When reading the ARKit and ARCore article, I found the concept GodMode interesting. Being able to alter reality in real time is a deep topic within itself. How accurate could that be? Could you kill someone virtually in front of you without actually doing it? It is an interesting topic I would love to learn more about.

Key Ideas

The AR cloud is a 3D copy of the real world. It scans the physical features of the world around us and creates another version. It will be the most important infrastructure out there.

Imagining something bigger than Google seems crazy. It will not only help create multi user experiences, but it will provide help with self driving cars, drones, other devices and buildings.


What’s Important

I think the concept of the idea as a whole is important and how useful it could be. It could be used to teach, learn and create. This would be so great for architects to build buildings in real time. Teachers to take students to the places they are learning about. For students to become educated in the physical world of learning. I think it is a really beneficial and exciting topic.

General Concerns

I think the idea is a great one, but I think a lot has to advance in technology before this can happen. Will it be well executed? Another concern of mine is that it could be hacked and everyones hard work could easily be destroyed if we rely on it too much.

What’s Interesting

I think their goal to address a lot of current issues is cool. I have not heard of a lot of VR doing that. For example when they mentioned, “amplifying human capability, affording greater economic possibilities, creating new forms of proactive healthcare”. I thought that was really fascinating. It would make life a lot easier. It would take a lot of adjustments, but in time I think everyone would ease into it.

Key Ideas

Magicverse is a place one can learn, create and experience. I think topics like environmental science would be one of the coolest ways to use the Magicverse.

It is interesting to think about what subjects in school could be incorporated into it and if it would be all of them. I was thinking about a virtual reality math class and it was hard to imagine.

Mirror World

What’s Important

The mirror world does not exist yet. Soon enough, every thing around us will have a twin in the mirror world. Google Earth is a good example of the mirror world. People are already working to create a version that overlays actual places. Landscapes will feel more realistic. While Google Earth is just flat images, the mirror world will have volume and texture to exhibit real surfaces and areas. The goal is to interact, manipulate and experience it.

General Concerns

A concern of mine I think about daily from technology in general, is getting tracked. Would a “mirror world” make it easier to be followed by some random person on the street? Would the mirror world make it easier to find criminals? Would privacy be an issue? I feel like we would all constantly be watched. Maybe they would make it so that is not a thing? But again there is so much to learn before raising too much concerns.

What’s Interesting

I think the entire thing is interesting. How cool would it be to be able to walk down the street of a place you have never been without going there. Traveling, going out to do daily activities, exploring, and much more would be so much more convenient. I would never have to ask, “how is it”, before I would go somewhere again. I would already know. This would be such a helpful thing in the pandemic we are experiencing now. We could go places without leaving our homes.

Key Ideas

The mirror world will be a twin of the world we have now. This will be interesting to see how accurate this could become.

While Google Earth is a version that already exists, it is interesting to think if it will just be an updated Google Earth or a new thing all in itself.


What’s Important

The Cyberverse is technology that integrates the virtual world with reality. Using spatial computing users can use a new interaction mode. The Cyberverse, Huawei has created uses a 3D high definition map, spatial computing, scenario understanding, and immersive rendering. This will all work with 5G to provide a new virtual world experience. Cyberverse will be used in public places. This includes, “tourist attractions, museums, smart campuses, airports, high-speed railway stations, and commercial buildings” they say.

What’s Interesting

I think it will be interesting to incorporate this into our daily lives. Going to an amusement park will never be the same. We will all know where we are going because we all have phones. I think it is exciting because unless our phone dies, getting lost will be a thing of the past.

What’s Concerning

I already rely way too much on Apple Maps to find where I am going. I don’t know street names or hardly where anything is just by memory. I think this will create an even higher dependency on our phones. I could not imagine if the system crashed, what will people who grow up learning it this way do. I could not begin to think what it would be like to use an actual map to find where I am going. Finding places on their own in the future might sound just as unrealistic to them.

Key Ideas

The next thing for Cyberverse is a 3D high definition map. With the new 5G this could be the next big thing. I believe everyone will use it.

Cyberverse will include this 3D map within tourist attractions, museums and much more. Will this be for every place on earth though. It will be cool how to see it works for places we go all the time.

Planet-Scale AR

What’s Important

At Niantic Inc. they are using emerging technology to enhance our experiences with the physical world. By turning the world into a game it motivates players to enter the real world. The Niantic Real World Platform builds on what is around you everyday. Creating a layer that everyone can experience. Niantic is responsible for, Ingress, Pokémon GO, and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. With a number of other experiences on the way. I think these experiences within AR are so important because it gets you out of the house and gives people the motivation to stay out. I love the fact that it involves everyone and isn’t just some new sort of game play. It is an experience.

What’s Interesting

It is interesting because it creates a new type of technology that is actually social. Social media makes you less social in a sense, but this puts you out there and gives you more opportunities to meet people that are into the same things you are. I think this could be the new way to meet people in the future and it already has connected so many.

What’s Concerning

While it is literally fun and games. It can be a huge distraction. While you’re looking at your phone, you’re also missing every thing around you at the same time. When I played Pokemon go a few years ago I came across this weird reality I was not sure I loved. It was fun going out with my friends, but looking around me and being the only person actually looking up from their phone was depressing. I found myself putting my phone away and focusing on exploring with my friends more. Every time I tried to get a word in they would not respond because they were too focused on catching a Pokemon than they were me. I find that a bit concerning. Everyone is already so attached to their phones. It can be hard to remember what you’re actually doing.

Key Ideas

Niantic is advancing in what they create. They are in the process of creating more virtual experiences everyone can enjoy.

Niantic creates games. but what else could they create. I would love to learn more of what is next for them.

Spatial Computing

Whats Important

Spatial computing involves variations of VR, MR, and AR. Without a huge range of technology out right now companies are creating products based on the usual AR glasses and mixed reality apps. Magic Leap is a primary example. It involves the wearable goggles, headset and controllers. That all use sensors and cameras to provide access to an environment where digital objects react with reality. This sounds like what we typically see. It is slightly more different and that is because of the hardware. The hardware includes, “Devices: VR Headset / AR Glasses / Some hybrid of the two. Tracking and sensors, speakers and cameras. Photogrammetry and 3D scanning. Haptic gear: gloves, vests, bodysuits.”


With everything there are concerns and many of the concerns I have already listed. I believe as we keep diving deeper into the world of AR, many issues will come with it as well as benefits. But that is for us to decide as it keeps moving forward.

What’s Interesting

After reading the Gravity Sketch article I found it fascinating how most companies keep producing the same thing. There are so many types of AR glasses out there from so many different brands, but it all seems to deliver a similar goal. I think we are all ready for what is next. The question is, “what will it be”.

Key Ideas

With MR, VR, and AR there are so many things to create. Why do companies only stick to the same head set and glasses? What will be next and when? I think this is an important way to look at it because there are many other areas that could benefit from these realities that need to be taken action upon.

Spatial computing is an umbrella term for all three categories. I wonder what else it could dive into. What does it really define and predict, what other tools could also fit into this term?

Broader Implications of the Metaverse and Ownership in the Virtual World

Virtual worlds have become an area for users to create and innovate. Inspiring an entire new era of creators and inventors. The concept of ownership in the Metaverse is very unique and quite detailed. In an article I was reading, they described it in two layers essentially. The content and the virtual platform. Their findings included that there is a division of content and platform ownership. There are “inherent interdependencies”, that would cause ownership issues which would pose a problem for entrepreneurs. The current areas that revolve around ownership structures in the virtual world that are strict making it hard to become profitable. As the technology advances I’m sure everything will become more relaxed, but for now with the few areas for movement it makes it hard.

Effects of the Implementation of AR Technologies

As virtual reality coming at a faster pace, the world might need time to adjust. It is shaping our world whether we like it or not. Within certain areas like marketing for example, customers can be highly impacted. The use of the technology allows customers to have a more flexible role in their experiences. This creates an improved experience for all. Before buying furniture you can see it in your living room. Prior to buying clothing you could see how it looks on your body. All this acts for faster decision making. Some people may find this process overwhelming and some might find it incredibly easy. No matter what the change, it will be both good and bad. Not everyone is the same because every person comes from a different background. One person’s experience with technology could vary greatly from the next person. Taking the process slow and steady is the only way to go about it.


